Hand harnessing energy

What’s Your Formula? For Will, It’s All About Energy

How he uses supplements and socialization to cultivate it

Written By: Tessa Kauppila
Medically Reviewed By: Dr. Carla Correia
2 min read

Welcome to What's Your Formula?, a series dedicated to carefully crafted routines and rituals that elevate mind and body. Here, we’ll spotlight how different wellness enthusiasts, including Thesis customers and team members, infuse lifestyle habits and supplements to fuel their day-to-day (i.e., their “formulas” for success).

For Will, Thesis’ Growth Manager, the demands and stressors of being a young professional living in New York City isn’t always pure bliss—energy is paramount to his well-being. With hopes of bringing his body and mind to a place of balance, Will consciously incorporates practices that bolster his energy (and simultaneously ditches those that don’t).

“To me, a healthy brain is one that is able to experience the full range of human emotions, one that’s able to be present in all situations,” says Will. “I focus on the things that give me energy rather than take it away, because I want to feel that way today and everyday.”

Below, Will’s favorite ways to cultivate energy—and his why for doing so.


“A few times a week, I’ll wake up and roll right into an hour-long Joe Dispenza meditation. I don’t always notice the effects of meditation, but I notice how I feel when I don’t meditate.”

High-Protein, Whole Foods-Based Breakfast

“I go on a walk every morning; it’s a chance to get some fresh air and sunlight. After I get home, I’ll make a high-protein, whole foods-based breakfast, like eggs and Greek yogurt and some berries. I have more energy after I eat real food. It’d be easier to grab a protein bar for breakfast but I don’t feel as good eating processed foods. For me, it's all about doing what feels best.”

Situational Supplementation

“I personally believe there’s a lot of overprescription of medication in this country. Yet, there are tools found in nature that can help bring the body back into balance—like Create Gummies creatine and Thesis.

I take Clarity for deep, thoughtful work, especially for the things that require me to be creative or form an eloquent opinion. I take Motivation when I need to get things done—when I want to really lock in. In a way, Clarity helps hone my energy whereas Motivation boosts it, and I listen to my body to see which I need on any given day.”

Conscious Consumption

“Just like the food we eat and the media we consume, the people we surround ourselves with are so important. Being around other amazing people—my friends, my family, the community at my gym—keeps me excited and inspired.”


“Everyone talks about ‘optimizing their health’, but I like the concept of ‘under-optimization’—not worrying about a sleep score or step count. I don’t try to biohack every aspect of my day, instead just doing what makes me feel good.”

Will's Why

“I want to feel empowered about my own health and life. I believe that when I bring the best energy into my reality, it brings me greater life experiences.”
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Written By: Tessa Kauppila

Tessa is a copywriter, storyteller, and creative based in New York City. With a background in journalism, she helps brands tell meaningful stories, with experience in health, wellness, food, and luxury hospitality. Connect with her here.

Dr. Carla Correia profile image

Medically Reviewed By: Dr. Carla Correia

Dr. Carla Correia is a licensed naturopathic doctor and certified nutrition specialist. Her background includes a strong focus on integrative health with a passion for empowering individuals to achieve optimal health through informed dietary choices, lifestyle changes, and evidence based practices.